Economic Geography
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1. In the 200 years following the Industrial Revolution, heavy industry was found in all of the following locations EXCEPT *
2. Service-based economies are based on all of the following EXCEPT *
3. Deindustrialization occurred at the national level in Great Britain when heavy industry was moved to locations with *
4. In the core-periphery model, all of Africa is included in the periphery EXCEPT *
5. Which of the following groups of American cities is part of the Rust Belt? *
6. Mexico’s system of maquiladoras is located *
7. Which of the following encourages the input of cash from foreign countries without the export of goods? *
8. NAFTA allowed for free trade among which of the following? *
9. Which of the following is an example of quaternary economic activity? *
10. The Human Development Index is a measure of both economic production and *
11. High-tech industry jobs offer all of the following benefits over manufacturing jobs EXCEPT *
12. The shift of industry to developing countries has resulted in *
13. In a right to work state, workers cannot *
14. The measure of wealth and life enjoyment that a person holds is called *
15. In which of the following regions is life expectancy the lowest? *
16. Which of the following is the basic industry for Silicon Valley in California? *
17. The gross domestic product per capita is a measure of the total goods and services produced by a country divided by that country’s *
18. Shopping malls are an example of *
19. All of the following are true of the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT *
20. All of the following are true of the Human Development Index EXCEPT *
21. The core countries of Europe had an advantage in commerce and used this advantage to: *
22. Alfred Weber’s least cost theory takes into account all of the following EXCEPT *
23. The British Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution were tied together in that *
24. Cell phones and the rise of social networks have led to all of the following EXCEPT *
25. All of the following are true of maquiladoras EXCEPT *
26. The word “development” implies *
27. Which of the following European cities faced deindustrialization on a large scale *
28. Dependency ratio measures *
29. Which is not among the five stages of Rostow’s development model? *
30. El Salvador abandoned its currency, the Colon, in favor of the U.S. dollar.  This process is referred to as *
31. Wallerstein’s three-tier regionalization of the world includes all of the following except *
32. Countries in which tier of the world economy (region) have high birth and death rates and low life expectancy at birth? *
33. Most victims of malaria are *
34. Mexico has established export processing zones with special tax, trade and regulatory arrangements for foreign firms.  This phenomena is referred to as *
35. Core area agriculture is characterized by *
36. Which is NOT a barrier to development *
37. Islands of Development seek to *
38. Microcredit loans focus on which group of people? *
39. NGOs *
40. Nike, headquartered in Oregon, employs 20,000 people in that state.  What percentage of those workers are employed in shoe manufacture/assembly? *
41. Which of the four classifications of industry must locate where the resources are found? *
42. If a substantial number of enterprises all develop in, or move to, the same area the factor is called *
43. Manufacturing in North America began in _____ as early as late colonial times. *
44. Fast, flexible production of small lots with outsourcing around the world is referred to as: *
45. The type of manufacturing that is more likely to be located in peripheral countries is *
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