YFU Universal Electronic Individual Media Release
Photos, blogs, videos and written stories offer great insights in the lives of exchange students and host families around the world. Especially for students that are still considering whether to go abroad and families who consider hosting a YFU exchange student.

However, the law does not allow YFU to publish photos, texts and presentations that you provide us without explicit permission. Therefore, it would be a great support if you, (and/or your parents/legal guardians if you are under 18 years of age) would give us permission signing this form.

Uses and Storage:
Photos, videos and written stories will be used in printed marketing materials (like brochures and flyers), advertisements, websites and Social Media channels to promote YFU exchange, hosting, volunteering and other YFU-related programs. We make every effort to present you in an appropriate manner. YFU reserves the right to use recorded and printed materials in partnerships with third parties that provide philanthropic support to the organization. Materials will not be used by any other company or organization without the usage directly benefitting the programs of YFU. Materials will not be sold to any third party. Photos, videos and written stories will be kept in a digital folder, which is maintained by YFU International Educational Services (YFUIES) Inc. and accessible by National Organizations only.

Should I object to the use of any of the content at any time, YFU IES and its National Organizations will remove it from the platforms within two weeks. As soon as I object to the use in writing, YFU IES and its National Organizations will not use the content for reprints and new print publications.

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