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ICHRP Canada Membership Form
This form is for institutions, solidarity organizations, and individuals who are interested in being members of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines, in Canada.  

As ICHRP members, they educate their members and friends on Philippine human rights issues and on the Filipino peoples’ rights, and mobilize them to action along the ICHRP campaign plan or along aspects of the latter.

Even as they are ICHRP members, organizations shall maintain their independence and initiative on matters outside of the ICHRP unities and campaign plan.
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What type of membership are you requesting?
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What is the name of the requesting institution / organization / individual? *
Who are the officers of the institution/organization? (name and position)
What is the contact email? *
What is the contact phone number? *
What is the mailing address?
How will you pay the annual membership dues? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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