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Nominations to the 2024 George Gamow® Award
Please fill out this form for each nominee for the 2024 George Gamow® Award.
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The nominee first and last name: *
The nominee e-mail *
Please provide the nominee’s affiliation.
Please provide a brief summary (50 words or less) of the nominee’s contributions that warrant the 2024 George Gamow® Award. *
Please provide the rationale justifying the nominee’s outstanding contributions to science and/or their efforts to promote international cooperation and the preservation of Russian cultural heritage (200 words or less).
Please provide a link to the homepage that describes the nominee and their contributions.
Please provide any additional information that supports the nomination.
Is the nominee aware of the nomination? *
Did the nominee agree to be nominated if they are aware of the nomination?
Please provide additional information about nominee that can be used for assessing their scholarly and other contributions that may warrant the 2024 George Gamow® Award.
Please provide your first and last name (as the nominator).
Please provide your e-mail (as the nominator).
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