Title of the Study: Study for University Course Project
Purpose of the Research:
This study aims to investigate your decision-making processes.
As a participant, you will be presented with a series of scenarios or
tasks that involve providing estimates or judgments based on given
information. These tasks will be brief and straightforward.
Your participation will take approximately 1 minute to complete.
Participation in this study is voluntary and without compensation.
Voluntary Participation:
Your participation in this study is voluntary. You are free to withdraw
at any time without any consequences or need for explanation.
Your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for
research purposes. Your personal information will not be disclosed to
anyone outside of the research team.
By agreeing to participate,
you acknowledge that you have read and understood the information
provided in this consent form. You consent to participate voluntarily
and understand your right to withdraw at any time.