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Camp Appalachia Adopt-a-Day Donation
The mission of Camp Appalachia is to enrich the lives of vulnerable youth in the areas of dynamic character and leadership development, spiritual growth, substance abuse prevention, and social and educational advancement.

With your help, we can continue to provide amazing activities and programs. Please consider joining our camp family and committing to our Adopt-a-Day financial gift supporting this effort to change our community, one child, at a time. The day of the year you choose reflects the annual monetary commitment you are willing to give (ex. Day 25=$25 annually).

Once you choose the date you would like to adopt, please scroll to the bottom of this form and follow the link to Donorbox.  It is at this link that you can put in your payment information.  Thank you for being part of our vision of "Because Every Kid Matters"
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Name *
Email *
Full Mailing Address (str, city, state and zip) *
Phone number *
Does this day have a special meaning to you you'd like to share? *
What Day Would You Like to Adopt? *
Thank You for Your Support!
Once you submit the form you can follow the link to our secure donations page.
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