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Training Course in Poland from 29th of October to 4th of November 2023
By: Seiklejate Vennaskond

Please read the guide for project participants before applying:
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Mobile: *
Your travel document is valid until... *
Date of birth: *
Personal identification code: *
Complete address: *
Including street, city/ town/ municipality
Sex: *
Facebook profile:
Level of English: *
I am able to communicate in: *
Special needs: *
Do you have any special needs or dietary requirements that the host organisation should know about? (E.g. medical needs, allergies, dietary restrictions, smoker/non-smoker etc.)
I confirm I am aware of all the local Covid-19 rules and meet all the requirements for entry to the destination country and transit countries/airports. *
Emergency contact: *
Please write the full name of the person, your relation to him/her, e-mail and mobile number. This information will only be used in case of emergency. This cannot be a person who applies for the same project.
Choose the role that describes you the most *
Why do you want to participate in the project? *
Are you facing whether social, economical or geographical obstacles? If yes, what kind of difficulties are you facing?
Any kind of obstacles or difficulties related to your social environment, culture, identity, family, economic situation, employment, living in isolated place or health problems
How are you able to contribute to the activities of Seiklejate Vennaskond? (extra to participating in projects as active participant) *
For example, check out how to make partnerships yourself:
How many times have you participated in international project (youth exchange, training course, ESC) in the framework of Erasmus+ ? *
If this is not your first experience with Seiklejate Vennaskond, so how have you already contributed to activities of Seiklejate Vennaskond? *
Have you applied for any project recently with Seiklejate Vennaskond, but have not been selected? Which one?
I confirm I have read and understood "Projektidesse mineja ABC":  *
I confirm I understand that I need to make travel insurance myself and it is obligatory: *
Anything else you would like to share?
Under the new GDPR Data Protection law you must now give us your consent to process the information you provide on this form. Please tick the box to give your consent for us to use your information *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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