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Constitutional Council Interpretation Request
 Please fill out this form to the best of your ability for any constitutional or statutory concerns regarding the actions of Student Union or officers of Student Union. It is crucial to Constitutional Council's interpretation request process that you fill out the form completely and honestly. Interpretation requests that are not filled out properly will not be read or discussed by the Council. Once finished, please hit "Submit." The Chief Justice will confirm receipt of your request within 24 hours. For any further questions, please contact

Note:  While we require that you provide your name and e-mail on this form, you may request anonymity throughout our deliberation and opinion writing process.
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Name *
Email *
Position in Student Union (if none, write "Constituent") *
Please cite a specific part of the Constitution or Statutes you believe is relevant to this request. *
Please provide all relevant facts and circumstances regarding your request. *
What outcome would you like to see from Constitutional Council? *
Would you like to request anonymity? If so, please explain why.
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