We are presented with an unparalleled challenge and opportunity within the current higher education landscape to advance more equitable departments, institutions and systems. In this four part workshop series, you will build your individual change capacity through the new and innovative SEER Process centered in the Inclusive Professional Framework (IPF) that helps you better see yourself as a change agent, better see your organization and change system, and increase your knowledge, skills, and confidence to build more productive initiatives and relationships towards advancing change. You will leave the series with (1) an individual, change agent action plan that will help you in your current change efforts and (2) a process that you can replicate within your teams.
Learning Goals- Increase your individual change agent capacity by learning and applying the SEER Process and the IPF to your change work.
- Increase your confidence as a change agent in planning, implementing, unsticking, and reinvigorating the change process.
- Expand your collaborative skills in service to building more productive relationships and community to assist your change efforts.
- Develop an individual, change agent action plan rooted in the SEER Process and the IPF that you can implement within your organization(s) and/or the change systems in which you work.
Time Commitment: 4, 4-hour sessions (You are encouraged to attend all four sessions but it is not mandatory; individual session descriptions are included below.)
Cost: Free
Audience: Individuals working to advance equity-driven change in higher education, including faculty, future faculty, leaders, and staff from colleges, universities, grant initiatives, disciplinary and professional societies, and higher education and higher education-aligned organizations.
Dates: July 23rd, July 26th, August 1st, & August 6th
Time: Each session is at 11-3 ET; 10-2 CT; 9-1 MT; 8-12 PT
Contact Evangeline Su (
with questions about session goals and content, or contact Shannon Patton (shannon.patton@wisc.edu) with technical questions about registration.