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Peru Mission Trip

All applicants must complete the following application by November 16, 2022. The cost for the trip will be $3,100 for food and lodging, trip to Machu Picchu and estimated airfare. The trip will take place from May 27-Jun 5, 2023.

Criteria for evaluation:

1. Current status and history of student’s Christian service.

2. Essay

3. Academic standing

4. Disciplinary status

5. Faculty Recommendations – Dean Harpole will get these from our faculty

- Estimated cost: $3,100

Email *
Student Name *
I, Parent signature below, give permission for my child to apply for the 2023 Mission Trip to Lima, Peru.
Student Grade  *
How will this mission trip to Peru help you in understanding Tampa Catholic’s mission as it pertains to your academic, spiritual, and personal growth?
Essay - Why do you want to go to Peru? *
Important Notes!
A $500 nonrefundable deposit must be submitted by Dec 19 in order to reserve your mission spot. 

An additional $1000 deposit must be submitted by Jan 31 so that airfare tickets can be purchased.

Students are required to have a passport that is current through January 2024. 
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