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The Influences of city living and sub-urban living in the study habits of selected architecture students in Manila.
26 respuestas
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I am presently studying at:
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Where is your Hometown located?
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Complete Address in the City of Manila
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In Manila, i am residing in a
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
In Manila, i am staying with my:
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
I go home to our Provincial Home every:
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
I had been staying here in my City Address for:
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
e. When situated in a crowded, noisy area in the school, I would like to :
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My situation being away from my family for the  whole week creates:
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If i  consider my City Home now as my permanent home , i can rate it as
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i can consider my city home a complete home because of the following amenities rated as to their importance to me:
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Check at least 5  Amenities or Features within your Residence that you would consider necessary and priority to you as a n arcitecture student.
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In cases i cannot go home in the sub-urban, i usually :
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During NO-School days, i wanted to stay in my city home for
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
During NO-School days, i wanted to stay in my sub-urban home  for
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
If ever i dont have a sub-urban home and just stay in the city home, my study habits will be better.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
If ever i dont have a city home and just stay in the sub-urban home, my study habits will be better.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
What do you think had living in the city home  made your studying better
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What do you think had living in the city home  made your studying worse
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What do you think had living in the sub-urban  home  made your studying better.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
What do you think had living in the sub-urban  home  made your studying worse.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
What do you think is the meaning of RESIDENTIAL SATISFACTION for an Architecture student like you.  
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Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
The questions below deals with your Neighborhood. In case of GOING ON FOOT from your city home , how long would you take to get to the park in your neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
In case of GOING ON FOOT from your Sub-urban home , how long would you take to get to the park in your neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Gym or Basketball court  in your city home.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Gym or Basketball court in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Barangay Hall in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Barangay Hall in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Transport Terminal in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Transport Terminal in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Hospital or Health Center in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Hospital or Health Center in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Church or Place of Worship in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Church or Place of Worship in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Bank in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Bank in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Market in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Market in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Malls in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
To the Malls in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the sidewalks in most streets near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the sidewalk in most streets near your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
For a walk, how do you evaluate the sidewalks near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
For a walk, how do you evaluate th sidewalks near your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are there green areas with trees in the streets near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are there green areas with trees in the streets in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the streets near your city home flat? ( no ups and down?)
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the streets near your sub-urban home flat? (no ups and down?)
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the places with accumulated garbage near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the places with accumulated garbage near your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the places with open sewer in the streets near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are the places with open sewer in the streets near your sub-urb home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
The traffic of cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
The traffic of cars, buses, trucks nd otorcycles near your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are there crosswalks on the streets near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Are there crosswalks on the streets near your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do drivers use to stop and let pedestrians cross in the crossroads in your city home??
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do drivers use to stop and let pedestrians cross in the roads in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Is there smoke pollution near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Is there smoke pollution near your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do the streets near your city home have good lighting at night?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do the streets near your sub-urban home have good lighting at night?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
 During daytime, do you feel that it is safe to walk, ride a bicycle  or practice sports near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
During daytime, do you feel that it is safe to walk, ride a bicycle  or practice sports near your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
During nighttime, do you feel that it is safe to walk,  ride a bicycle or practice sports near your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
During nighttime, do you feel that it is safe to walk,  ride a bicycle or practice sports near your sub-urban  home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Does any relative invite you for a walk, to ride, to ride a bicycle or  practice sports in your city neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Does any relative invite you for a walk, to ride, to ride a bicycle or  practice sports in your sub-urban neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do sports events and/or guided walks take place in your city neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do sports events and/or guided walks take place in your sub-urban neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Does the weather ( cold, rain, heat) difficult your walk,  your bicycle riding or your sports practice in your city neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Does the weather ( cold, rain, heat) difficult your walk,  your bicycle riding or your sports practice in your sub-urban neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do you have a Dog in your city home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do you have a Dog in your sub-urban home?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do you use to walk with your dog in the streets of your city neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Do you use to walk with your dog in the streets of your sub-urban neighborhood?
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Rate your city living if how many percent does it caters to your physical activity.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
Rate your sub-urban  living if how many percent does it caters to your physical activity.
Aún no hay respuestas para esta pregunta.
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