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MAS Incontro Membership (Fall 2023)
Registration for MAS Incontro has opened. If you are interested to join the association. Please fill in the fields below, if you want to become a member of MAS Incontro. Be aware that you need a "Sports" or "All-in-One" Membership with UM Sports first.
Once you have submitted the form, please transfer 30 € (1 semester) / 60 € (entire year) to the club account (NL46ABNA0407688986).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Date of birth
Nationality *
Membership period
Student/Employee number
Relation to UM
Year of study
Have you bought the UM "Sports"  OR the "All-in-One" membership? *
A UM Sports or All-in-One membership is necessary for becoming a member of MAS Incontro.
Are you a new or returning member?
Weapon (optional)
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Do you agree with your data being shared with MUSST? *
We share the following data with MUSST and UM Sports: Full name, date of birth, nationality, sex, relation to UM, student/ employee number, faculty, year of study, whether you are a new or returning member. (MUSST is the Maastricht students sports council.)
Do you agree with your email address and name being stored after you leave the club? *
We will store this in order to stay in touch and to inform you about our future tournaments and other events.
By sending in this form you agree to become a member of MAS Incontro. This is a legally binding agreement. The membership fee is 5 euro a month, Payed either by semester or year. UM sports membership is required to be a member. For as long as you are a member of the club, we save the following data: Full name, e-mail address, date of birth, nationality, sex, relation to UM, student/ employee number, faculty, year of study, whether you follow the beginners' course, which weapon you fence, when you joined the club. We will use your email and name to stay in contact with you and inform you of club activities. If you have any questions please send a message to or to our Facebook page.
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