Looker Studio BigQuery Native Integration Sign-up

Most of the traffic is already using this integration, and you can see if your projects have been enabled here: public documentation.

When Native Integration is used:

  • Every query will create a row in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS and will have looker_studio_datasource_id and looker_studio_report_id labels populated (see sample). Note when creating or updating datasource there may be queries that either don't have datasource_id and report_id, or only have datasource_id.
  • Datasource credential owners will have clickable BigQuery icon on each dashboard element with link to corresponding job details in cloud console.

If you believe that for some reason you don't have this experience, please fill out the form below. It will take up to 5 business days for changes to take effect. You will receive an email when projects are enabled.

Email *
Native integration in action
Organization name
Google point of contact (email)
GCP Projects

For multiple project ids, add as comma separated list with space between. See http://console.cloud.google.com/home/dashboard to find your project ids. Example "my-project-123, my-project-456".

All datasources that use this project to submit queries will start using native integration.
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