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Application Form - YE Rise Up
Dear applicant, 
by filling in this form you are applying for the youth exchange "Rise Up", that will happen from 13 to 24 May 2024 (2 travel days included), in Upeslīči, Latvia.

The project is open to participants from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Spain. 

To recall, HERE is the Infopack. 

With your application, you commit yourself to the whole project: preparation, participation in the exchange and follow-up activities, if you are chosen as a participant.

We will choose those applicants who will seem to be most in line with the aims and methods of the project. 
For that, we recommend that you dedicate enough time to complete the form fully and answer every question.
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Name *
Surname *
Name you want to be called
Email *
Phone Number *
Gender *
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) *
Nationality *
Country of residence *
Address *
Your occupation / your studies *
What is your English level *
I am applying from
(here you can find the name of the sending organisation for your country)
I am applying as *
How did you find out about this project? *
Why do you want to join this Youth Exchange *
What does "entrepreneurship" mean for you? *
Write down at least 3 concrete learning outcomes that you want to go home with after the Youth Exchange *
Have you ever participated in another Erasmus+ project? *
Do you belong to some of the fewer opportunities group? *
If you marked some of the boxes in the previous question, please specify
Your diet *
Emergency Contact Person
(name, number, relation)
Do you have an health insurance valid in EU?
(European Health Insurance Card or equivalent)
Please, share the link of the song that reflects you at this moment *
I have read the infopack and I agree with the conditions applied *
I commit myself to take part in the follow-up and dissemination activities: organise follow up, post my experience on social media, fill in the evaluation form and contribute in disseminating the results of the project *
In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2016/679), I hereby authorize you to use and process my personal details contained in this document
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