Elementary Keyboarding Survey
In an effort to prepare our students for the SBAC assessment which will be online we are examining our current practices. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Skip questions that do not apply to your school. I will be happy to share the responses upon request. Thank you!
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Enter the name of the town where your school is located. *
Does your school district provide keyboarding instruction at the elementary level? *
If your district provides keyboarding instruction at the elementary level, who teaches it? (Check all that apply)
What grade level teaches elementary keyboarding. (Check all that apply)
What are the benchmarks for Kindergarten?
Enter your response in the box for words per minute (WPM) and accuracy (%). EXAMPLE: 15 WPM, 85% accuracy
What are the benchmarks for Grade 1?
Enter your response in the box for words per minute (WPM) and accuracy (%). EXAMPLE: 15 WPM, 85% accuracy
What are the benchmarks for Grade 2?
Enter your response in the box for words per minute (WPM) and accuracy (%). EXAMPLE: 15 WPM, 85% accuracy
What are the benchmarks for Grade 3?
Enter your response in the box for words per minute (WPM) and accuracy (%). EXAMPLE: 15 WPM, 85% accuracy
What are the benchmarks for Grade 4?
Enter your response in the box for words per minute (WPM) and accuracy (%). EXAMPLE: 15 WPM, 85% accuracy
What are the benchmarks for Grade 5?
Enter your response in the box for words per minute (WPM) and accuracy (%). EXAMPLE: 15 WPM, 85% accuracy
What are the benchmarks for Grade 6?
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