If you know your child is going to be out for an extended amount of time (3 consecutive days or more) you
must fill out a leave of absence form from the office.
The following are excused absences:
• Personal illness that exceeds three consecutive days- with a doctor’s note
• Death of a relative (provide documentation)
• Observance of religious holiday
• Military block leave- up to 5 school days with a copy of military orders
• Doctor, dental and therapy appointments with proper documentation (If possible,
please schedule such appointments after school hours)
• Emergency situations- such cases may be approved by administration on an
individualized basis
The following are unexcused absences:
• Personal illness that exceeds three consecutive days without a doctor’s note –
While we understand illness happens; a parent phone call or note will not
constitute an excused absence.
• Military block leave without orders
• Family events- vacations, birthdays, family visits, other family members’
appointments, etc.