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Please complete this Application to be considered for our 1:1 Podcast Workshop (will take just a couple of minutes)
This workshop is designed for Podcasters who are seriously ready to start building authority and to create income from their show.

This workshop is not for podcasters who are hobbiest or in the "just curious" about it state.

Fill out the application below to be considered for our workshop. If you are a good fit, I will contact you and schedule a consultation call.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Your Personal Facebook URL or Instagram handle *
How did you hear about us? *
Tell us about your podcast (name, topic, your ideal audience, etc)? *
How long have you had your show? *
What has been your biggest obstacle from generating income or growing your podcast? *
What do you hope to achieve with your podcast? *
Be 100% honest - what do you think is stopping you from achieving this goal? (The more specific you are the faster we'll get you clarity during our call together) *
What are you prepared to invest in your podcast? (If you are not ready to invest, please do not finish this application). *
We only accept a limited number of new clients per month to work with, and we select applicants based on those we feel are the best fit and MOST LIKELY to succeed from working together. With that being said... If you are accepted, how soon can you get started? *
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