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We are currently conducting interviews and focus group sessions with professionals in the broader emergency management sector who were involved in COVID-19 response between 2020 and 2021 in the Greater Toronto Area. Virtual interviews are being currently undertaken (June - July 2024), and will be followed by focus groups later in late summer/early fall (August - October 2024). Focus groups will held in person on the York University campus (4700 Keele Street) and will include refreshments and an opportunity to network with colleagues.

If you were involved in COVID-19 response in any of the following capacities, we want to speak with you:

  • Emergency management/public health official working in any level of government in the GTA
  • First responder/public safety personnel such as police, firefighter, emergency medical service staff, involved in COVID-19 management   
  • Armed Forces personnel deployed to long-term care homes in the GTA during the pandemic
  • Employees or Volunteers of NGOs or grassroots organizations involved in COVID-19 response

Please fill the form below so that we can get in touch with you and share more about our project with you. 

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Email *
Your Name *
Your Phone Number *
Your Position & Organization *
Were you involved in COVID-19 response in the first two years of the pandemic (Jan 2020-Dec 2021) in the GTA? *
Please indicate which activity you are interested in participating in (Select all that apply) *
We are currently interviewing interested participants. Please schedule an interview with the research team here - Click here to schedule an interview with the research team *
Message to the Researchers
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