CURATEcamp Digital Culture
Alongside this year’s Digital Preservation 2014, there will be a CURATEcamp unconference, July 24 in Washington, DC. For those unfamiliar with unconferences, the key idea is that the participants define the agenda and that there are no spectators, everyone who comes should plan on actively participating in and helping to lead discussions. Everybody who participates should come ready to work.

The World Wide Web is a cultural platform. Across the web, a wide range of existing communities interact and express and a diverse array of online communities have developed their own cultures. Unlike many other media, the participatory nature of the web has enabled a proliferation of the expression of these diverse cultures. As scholars increasingly turn to study this vernacular web, cultural heritage organizations responsible for collecting and preserving folklife and folklore need to develop plans and pr ograms to collect and preserve records of these cultures and communities.

This one day unconference will focus on exploring ideas and approaches to collecting and preserving digital culture both on and off the World Wide Web. It will be co-unchaired by Trevor Owens, Digital Archivist at The Library of Congress, Amanda Brennan, Internet Librarian formerly of Know Your Meme currently at Tumblr, Trevor Blank, Folklorist who studies online culture.

Date: July 24, 2014
Time: 9am-4pm
Venue: The Catholic University of America, Columbus Law School, 3600 John McCormick Rd. N.E., Washington, DC

Please register to secure your spot. Space is limited to the first 100 participants.
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CURATEcamp requires active participation. To participate you need to have things that you intend to discuss/demo/hack on. Say a few words about what you're interested in working on.
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