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Prayer Meeting
Please fill the form below to register for Prayer Meeting.


By clicking "Submit" below, I/we testify that:

1) I/we have not traveled outside Canada in the past 14 days. I/we am/are not living with nor have been in contact with anyone who has traveled outside Canada within the past 14 days.

2) Within the last 14 days, up to this point, I have not had any health symptoms of Fever (higher than 37.7 degrees Celsius), Chills, Cough , Shortness of breath, Sore throat, Difficulty swallowing, Runny or Stuffy nose, Lost sense of taste or smell, Pink eye, unusual Headache, Digestive issues, Muscle aches, fatigue, or Falling down often. Within the last 14 days, my young children and infants have not had sluggishness or lack of appetite.

3) To my knowledge, I have not come in contact with any person infected with COVID-19 or who is suspected to have been infected with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.

4) I have been following the recommended physical distancing, sanitation, and all other precautionary practices as outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Health.

5) I am not in any of the at-risk groups* listed by the government on

6) If anyone in the family is in one or more of the at-risk groups* listed by the government on, I/we assessed the risk with our doctor(s) and decided to attend*.

7) I agree that providing any false information above will result in the immediate cancellation of my registration without notice.

8) I/we will notify St. Mark’s Church, Toronto if anything from the above changes whether just before attending the liturgy of choice or up to 14 days after attending the liturgy of choice.


*At-risk groups listed by the government on, are being advised to stay at home and monitor their health. At-risk groups include+: 
                     +70 years old or older

                     +Getting treatment that compromises (weakens) your immune system
                       (for example, chemotherapy, medication for transplants, corticosteroids, TNF inhibitors)

                     +Having a condition that compromises (weakens) your immune system
                      (for example, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, other autoimmune disorder)

                     +Having a chronic (long-lasting) health condition
                       (for example, diabetes, emphysema, asthma, heart condition)

                     +Regularly going to a hospital or health care setting for a treatment
                       (for example, dialysis, surgery, cancer treatment)

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