e-Commerce Survey
I am currently doing a study on the topic “Evaluation of the Factors Affecting the Adoption of E-Commerce in Nigeria” with focus on B2B (Marketplace, advertising etc), B2C (online shopping), C2B(free lancing, crowd sourcing), and C2C(auctions, free classifieds). Kindly participate in this survey.

Please no double entries.
Your candid responses are needed.
Only choose uncertain responses when very convenient.

When you click continue, it will take you to the second page to finish the survey

 Thank you.

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Please indicate your gender
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What is your age group?
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Indicate your education level    
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What is your monthly income level in Naira?
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You have used internet for the following number of years
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Which of the following options best describe your general internet usage over the period of a month?
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Why do you use internet for? (Choose as many as applicable)
Do you understand what e-commerce is?
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Which type of e-commerce you used before? (Can pick more than one) *
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