G(irls)20 Summit Application Form - Turkey
The 5th G(irls)20 Summit will take place in Australia next August.  Exact dates will be confirmed shortly.  PLEASE DO NOT apply if you will be under the age of 18 or over the age of 20 from August 1-31st, 2014!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Nationality / Country of Citizenship *
Which country are you applying to represent? *
(Proof of citizenship of this country will be required)
Where will you be living at the time of the Summit (August 2014) *
Please provide city, country
Email address (must be a gmail address) *
Facebook Account *
Twitter Handle *
Google + Account
Are you in school? *
Home address *
Please include FULL mailing address information including postal / zip code
Date of Birth *
Name of Guardian & relationship to applicant *
Name of Reference & Email address *
How did you find out about G(irls)20? *
If you chose option 4 - 8 above, please specify a name or organization / funder.
Do you have a valid passport? *
If you answer yes please complete the information in the next box
Passport Information - only complete if you answered YES to the previous question.
Name on Passport / Date of Issue / Date of Expiry / Passport Number
Mother's Profession
Father's Profession
Do you have any siblings *
Are you the 1st person in your immediate family to go to post secondary school? *
Have you represented your country at any other international meetings? *
If you answered YES to the question above please provide the name and date of the conferences you have attended.
What do YOU believe is the greatest obstacle for girls & women in your country and why? (MAX 250 words) *
How do you think participating in the 5th G(irls)20 Summit will affect your life / career path? (MAX 200 words) *
If you could offer ONE idea to G20 Leaders about how best to economically empower & engage girls & women, what would your idea be?  (MAX 200 words) *
Being committed to social change requires leadership, passion and commitment. Please indicate any other initiatives or organizations you have been involved with that have led to positive change in your community or the world. (MAX 200 words) *
If chosen, what would you want your fellow delegate to say about you AFTER the Summit? (MAX 150 words)
What would you do if you were not afraid? (MAX 100 words) *
What do you think is more important - power or influence - and why (MAX 200 words) *
Describe yourself in tweet form (140 CHARACTERS) *
OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED - Please submit a SHORT YouTube video of you completing the following phrase: My name is ___________ and if chosen as the G(irls)20 Summit Delegate for (name of your country), I will use my voice to ..... (in the text section below please insert the URL for where we can watch your video and if there are any passwords)
OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED - Please submit a photo to info@girls20summit.com.  The file should be saved as follows Picture_LastNameofApplicant2014
REQUIRED - Reference Letter from someone who can speak in your favour about your suitability to participate.  The reference CANNOT be a relative - please ask your referee to send their letter DIRECTLY to info@girls20summit.com BEFORE the deadline.  The file should be saved as follows: LetterofReference_LastNameofApplicant2014
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