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On behalf of Witt, Hicklin, Snider & Fain, P.C., we want to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your guardianship needs and goals. If you choose to have us help you with this vital legal process, we will do our very best to merit your trust and confidence, and we will give our best efforts to convince you that you have made the right choice.

We want to be sure to do a good and thorough job of gathering up the information we will need in order to assess your situation.  This Questionnaire minimizes the possibility of anything being overlooked, and it allows us to focus the time we spend with you upon discussing your needs and goals. All information you furnish to us will be held in strictest confidence.

Please complete this Questionnaire in advance of our initial meeting. If you are unsure about any question, please go ahead and answer it as best you can and mark it with a question mark so we may discuss it when we meet.

Witt, Hicklin, Snider & Fain, P.C.
2300 Higgins Road
P.O. Box 1517
Platte City, Missouri  64079
(816) 858-2750
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