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2017 Finger Lakes Social Entrepreneurship Institute Evaluation
29 responses
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In what capacity did you participate in this year's Institute?
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Thinking back to the conference this year, what stands out in your mind?
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Reviewing the schedule above, do you have comments or suggestions about particular sessions or conference components?
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How much participation by attendees was there?
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What was the quality of the mutual engagement?
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The environment was fun, inspiring, convivial.
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How relevant to you were the activities and interactions?
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With whom did you interact or make connections?
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Which connections were the most influential on your own development?
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LEARNING OUTCOME 1: Apply and evaluate leading models pivotal to the success of social ventures.
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Comments about Learning Outcome 1
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LEARNING OUTCOME 2: Know and incorporate elements of systems thinking and inclusivity into your social ventures.
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Comments about Learning Outcome 2
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LEARNING OUTCOME 3: Integrate the insights and know-how of experienced social entrepreneurs, peers and consultants.
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Comments about Learning Outcome 3
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LEARNING OUTCOME 4: Develop relationships that can continue beyond the Institute with a diverse group of change makers and social entrepreneurs.
Did you interact with people outside of your typical circle?
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Additional comments on Learning Outcome 4?
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Final page
Where do you currently live?  (City, State)
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Your name (optional)
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Your email (optional)
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Anything else you would like us to know?
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