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Tell us about your experience with teaching evaluations
How college teaching is evaluated is problematic. On many campuses, for example, students' course evaluations are the sole measure. Yet research has shown that the questions are often poorly designed to elicit meaningful feedback and are prone to bias. Other measures, like peer evaluation, aren't always done much more thoughtfully. The problem is widely known throughout higher education, yet little has changed. We want to know about your experiences and insights. Please fill out this form, and if you're interested in talking to a reporter, you could be contacted for a future Chronicle story.
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If you're an instructor,  has the evaluation process on your campus affected how you teach or how much time you spend on improving your teaching?  Please explain.
If you're an instructor, do you feel you are evaluated accurately and fairly? Please explain.
If you're an administrator, what challenges do you face in evaluating instructors' teaching, given the systems your campus asks you to use?
Has your campus changed any pieces of the process, such as rewriting the student course evaluations, changing how much weight they're given, moving away from numerical rankings, or improving training for peer evaluations? Please describe.
If so, has that made the experience better? Please explain.
If nothing has been done, why do you think that is? 
Is there anything else you would like to add to shed light on the challenge of creating an effective evaluation process?
What is your role at your college?
Please provide your name, title, and contact information. We will not name you in any of our reporting without contacting you.
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