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Dovercourt PS SAC Expenditure Proposal
Please use the form below to submit a proposed Dovercourt PS SAC expenditure.

In that there are restrictions on what SAC can and cannot spend funds on, please review the TDSB guidelines here:

Note that the SAC requires any proposals to be submitted at least 48 hours prior to a SAC meeting (if the proposal is to be voted on at the next SAC meeting).
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Email *
Your name *
What is your role? *
Briefly describe the initiative you would like the SAC to fund *
Budget proposal
Please provide specific details about the proposed expenditure(s) - including date/timeline, number of students to be impacted, and all other relevant cost information.
Date of the event/expenditure
can be exact date or time frame
Number of students to be impacted *
Divisions (choose all that apply)
Total Amount *
Detailed budget *
Please list specific purchases/expenses with estimated amounts.
Number of volunteers needed (if necessary)
Suggested vendor (if applicable)
Please provide a link to their website
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