公民提名不能少, 廢提委會四界別 ---------------------- Civic Nomination is Indispensable, Abolish Four Sectors of the Nomination Committee

陳清僑 嶺南大學協理副校長及文化研究系教授
陳家洛 香港浸會大學政治及國際國際關係學系副教授
陳敬慈 香港城市大學應用社會科學系助理教授
陳慎慶 香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系副教授
陳士齊 香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系高級講師
陳允中 香港浸會大學社會學系研究助理教授
蔣翼邁 香港科技大學數學系副教授
Julian GROVES 香港科技大學社會科學學部高級講師
何芝君 香港理工大學社會科學系退休副教授
梁旭明   嶺南大學文化研究系副教授
陸潔玲 香港理工大學香港專上學院傳意及社會科學學部講師
麥嘉慧  香港浸會大學化學系講師
成名 香港科技大學社會科學學部副教授
蘇耀昌 香港科技大學社會科學學部講座教授
司徒薇 香港大學比較文學系助理教授
杜耀明 香港浸會大學新聞系助理教授
丁南僑 香港大學數學系副教授
黄志偉 城市大學專上學院社會科學部講師
黃偉國  香港浸會大學政治及國際關係學系助理教授
邱祖淇 香港浸會大學計算機科學系講師


蔡寶琼 香港中文大學教育行政與政策學系副教授


羅永生  嶺南大學副教授
趙維生  香港浸會大學社工系客座教授
陳綺媚  香港浸會大學社工系Lecturer
陳竟明  Associate Professor, Chinese University
Dr Jennifer Eagleton  tutor, OUHK
潘漢光  香港大學中文學院副教授
林培元  Lecturer, Hong Kong Community College, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
朱明中  Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
蔡冠球  Assistant Professor Hong Kong Baptist University
龔立人  Associate Professor Chinese University of Hong Kong
曹文傑博士  香港中文大學性別研究課程 兼任講師
梁志遠  香港理工大學專任導師
羅淑玲  明愛專上學院講師
邵家臻  香港浸會大學社工系講師
Leung Hon Chu  Principal Lecturer, Sociology Dept, HKBU
eleanor cheung  part-time lecturer, previously at university of macau
舒琪  香港演藝學院電影電視學院院長
林蔚文 Honorary Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong
Dr Stephen John WINTER  Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong
許寶強  Associate Professor, Lingnan University
丁穎茵  Assistant Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
李世莊  Assistant Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Steven Fore  Associate Professor, School of Creative Media City University of Hong Kong
馬國明  Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Cultural Studies, Lingnan U.
李至君  Assistant Professor, Tung Wah College
Rowena Kwok YF  Retired Assistant Prof., Political Sci. Dept, HKU
Maddie Nguyen  Research assistant, Hong Kong institute of Education
黃慧貞 Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
葉菁華  香港中文大學副教授
何偉業  Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Francis Mok  Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Education
余惠冰  香港教育學院高級專任導師
杨紫嫱  香港教育學院Teaching Fellow I
潘劍芳 Associate Head & Professor, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Yuen Lai Ha   Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Institute of Education
何萬寶 Lecturer, Community College of City University
Leung Yan Wing  Associate Prof., HKIED
余偉職  城市大學專上學院社會科學部高級講師
Chung Kim Wah 香港理工大學Assistant Prof
梁玉麒  Associate Professor of Practice in Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yan Tung  Research Assistant, HKIED
梁承裕  Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
陳百恆  Research assistant, Hong Kong Institute of Education
周保松  Teacher, CUHK
陳曙峰  理大香港專上學院講師
Fung Yat-chu, John  Part-time Lecturer, CUHK
FONG, Chi Wah  [GEC], Lecturer, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ.
梁景信  Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
吳國坤  Assistant Professor, Humanities, HKUST
洪松勳  Lecturer, HKIEd
蔡玉萍  香港中文大學副教授
陳效能  嶺南大學副教授
潘建文  Lecturer, HKIEd
張兆和  香港科技大學人文學部副教授
戚本盛  香港中文大學學校發展主任
洪長泰  香港科技大學人文學部講座教授
賴建國  Programme, Leader Caritas Institute of Higher Education
陳顯揚  恒生管理學院通識教育系一級講師
譚惠鵬  香港專業進修學校人文與社會科學學部講師
梁萬里  Associate Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University
陈耀波  Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong
萧裕均  香港中文大學公共政策分析導師
Wing-kin Lam Lecturer,  Chinese Department, School of Humanities, Hang Seng Management College
蔡建誠 香港大學附屬學院 講師
譚惠鵬 香港專業進修學校, 人文與社會科學學部, 講師
Kin-kwok LAI, HDSW(FT) Programme Leader, Department of Social Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education
CJ Yuan  Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering Department, CUHK
黃昌榮 香港浸會大學社會工作系教授
Gary Ho HKCC
CHEN Hon Fai  Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lingnan University
Hong Kong
Poon Kin Man Leonard  Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Fung Wai Sum Cathy  Lecturer, Chinese Department, School of Humanities, Hang Seng Management College
Chor-yiu SIN  Associate Professor Department of Economics
National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu Taiwan
Lau Hoi Lung  the dept. of Geography and Resource management, CUHK.
WU Rose Adjunct Assistant Professor, Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK
雷兆恆助理教授 新加坡科技設計大學
Chi-wang Chan  Lecturer, Faculty of Science, HKU
Sharon Sin-yui Chan  Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, Lingnan University
Lucia L.S. Siu  Assistant Professor, Sociology and Social Policy, Lingnan University
Carl LAU   Teaching Fellow I, Department of Social Sciences,The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Rami Hin-yeung CHAN  Lecturer in Political Science Department of General Education, Hang Seng Management College
Lui Pui Yuen  Lecturer at PolyU Hong Kong Community College
Cheung Chi Kin Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Education
Chan Shun-hing   Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies,  Lingnan University
譚翼輝 浸會大學宗教及哲學系講師








Political Platform for Universal Suffrage in Hong Kong by Scholars

1.       Civic nomination is indispensable to nominate the candidates for the Chief Executive election;

2.       Civic nomination: Written support by 1% of registered voters (approximately 35,000 voters as of present) is sufficient for the nomination of an individual to enter the Chief Executive election and the nominated person becomes a candidate; the nomination period should be no shorter than two months and the Nominating Committee will have no power of veto;

3.       Nomination by the Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee should be composed of directly-elected legislators and support by more than 8% of Committee members is sufficient for the nomination of a candidate. Each Nominating Committee member is entitled to the nomination of one candidate only, while the maximum number of nominations that individual candidates can collect is one-fifth of Committee members;

4.       The Government should amend the Chief Executive Election Ordinance to remove the restriction on candidates’ political party affiliation, and should not seek to put a cap on the number of candidates through statutory means;

5.       If civic nomination is said to be in breach of Article 45 of the Basic Law, the SAR government then has responsibility to reflect Hong Kong people’s insistence on civic nomination and submit to the National People’s Congress a proposal to amend the Basic Law so as to incorporate civic nomination and other electoral methods consistent with the principle of universal and equal voting rights into the Basic Law;

6.       Electoral methods concerning the election of the Legislative Council should be amended through concurrent legislation to abolish the functional constituencies and attain universal suffrage.
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