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Test Created By: Sayyad Hina, 12th class science, JANVIKAS MAHAVIDYALYA BANSAROLA, Tq.Kaij, Dist.Beed
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2 points
● Test cross of F1 hybrid with the homozygous recessive parent is know as a------------. *
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● Such alleles which are able to express themselves equally independently in hybrids, are called--------------. *
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● The term ---------- speaks for the degree of repetition of the primary basic number of chromosomes ( i.e 'x') in a cell. *
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● Besides primary construction, some few chromosomes possess additional one or two constructions called--- *
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●Structure of X and Y chromosome show homologous and -------------- regions. *
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● Thomas Hunt Morgan was an ------------- . *
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●Morgan's Experiments showing ----------- and crossing over: *
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● Males and females have equal chance of ----------. *
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● John Langdon Down who frist described this autosomal chromosomal disorder in------
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● ------------ occurs due to non - disjuction or failure of separation of chromosomes ( autosomes) during gamete formation. *
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