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Foster Application
If you are interested in fostering for Sara's Pets and Plants, please fill out this document. You must be 18 years or older to apply.  
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Full Name
Phone Number
For future communication with all foster families about new animals, etc. would you prefer to be part of an email thread or a facebook group?
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Do you rent or own your home?
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How many individuals live in your home?
Please list the ages of all the individuals that live in your home.
What animals do you currently own? Please list all species here.
Do you have any experience working with or forstering animals at an animal facility/rescue?
Is there a specific animal that you are interested in fostering?
Please check all of the animals that you are capable of/interested in fostering.
Are you interested in becoming a long-term foster family for our rescue, or are you only interested fostering one time?
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Why do you want to foster?
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