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This service is not suitable for emergencies or impending deadlines.
Have you used the Citizens Advice Leeds before? *
Data Protection
The record of your case will be stored in a shared electronic case management system accessed by members of the Citizens Advice Service. We follow nationally agreed policies on client confidentiality and data protection. We will not voluntarily share information about you with anyone unless you give us permission. It is very important that you give us permission to store your information otherwise your query cannot be processed.
When we record and use your personal information we:
● only access it when we have a good reason
 ● only share what is necessary and relevant
● don’t sell it to commercial organisations We need to record information about you to help with your enquiry.
We have a legitimate interest to do this. If you’d like more information about how we’ll use your data please read our Privacy Policy at
Please tick to consent to your data being stored *
We need your consent to record and use your special category personal data
If you give us certain  personal information on this form we need your consent to record it. This is called special category personal data and includes  ethnicity, religion, health conditions,  pregnancy, sexual orientation and trade union membership.
If you agree to us having this data we can
● give you advice based on the information supplied
● it will help us gather data to improve our service
● it will support our research in a way that you can’t be identified
We’ll make sure all your information is kept safe in our secure case management system.

So if you agree to our keeping this special category data, please tick the box below. If you do not tick the box, we will only be able to provide general information and will not  add any such data to our system even if you include it on this form.
How are you hoping we can help you? Please give as much detail as possible. *
What have you done so far? *
How would you like us to respond to your enquiry? *
Please note that if a telephone response is your preferred channel we will attempt to contact you via this channel initially, but if we are unable to speak to you, we will reply via email
In order to help you as much as possible, please answer the following questions as fully as possible.
First name *
Last name *
Date of birth
Address *
Postcode *
National insurance number
May we send you a letter? *
Contact phone number (if we call you, it may be from a withheld number) *
Is it ok to leave a message? *
Do you have any disabilities or long term illness? *
Please tell us your Nationality, as the rules can be different for people who are not British Citizens *
There is legal protection if you are treated unfairly because of your race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief. Do you think this might apply to your situation?
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What is your ethnic origin?
Do you live with a partner?
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Do you have any dependent children?
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If yes, what are their ages?
Are you currently employed?
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Do you receive any income from the Government, such as Universal credit,Tax credits/PIP/ retirement pension or pension credit?
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How much income do you (and your partner if applicable) receive per month? Give approximate figures if you do not know exactly, include all wages and benefits
Where do you live? e.g. mortgaged property, council property, private tenant, housing association, staying with friends/relatives
Do you have any capital, savings, other properties that are not your main home?
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If yes, please give details
If we are at capacity we may ask our telephone service to contact you rather than replying by email. Is this OK? *
We will use the details that you have provided to send you relevant information to help solve your enquiry. If further advice is needed we may offer you an appointment at Citizens Advice Leeds and/or send you details of other organisations who can help. *
We want to make sure our service meets your needs. To help us understand how we’re doing and to improve our service, we may want to contact you at a later date to ask for your feedback. Sometimes we need a trusted research organisation to help us do that. We’ll decide who we contact for feedback based on the services you used and the advice area. We may also use your special category data so that we hear from different groups.  Please tick the box below if you agree to us getting in touch. *
If we email you to offer you a face–to–face or telephone appointment, you must reply to confirm your attendance within two days. If you do not, we will offer the appointment to another client
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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