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Do Good Institute Presentation and Workshop Request Form for Courses (AY24-AY25)
Welcome to the Do Good Institute Presentation and Workshop Request Form! 
The Do Good Institute offers hands-on experiences, funding opportunities, engaging curriculum, and effective programs that prepare Terps with the skills, experiences and resources to Do Good throughout their lives. We also offer presentations and workshops for instructors to utilize in their classes, programs, and more. 

Please complete this form to request a session for the AY24-AY25 academic year. A member of our team will email you to follow-up to determine availability and confirm scheduling and logistics. You will receive a copy of this form upon completion. We ask that you complete a form per workshop or presentation you are requesting and per section (if you are requesting for multiple sections). We kindly ask that you submit your request at least two weeks in advance of your preferred workshop/presentation date. We may not be able to accommodate requests made shorter than two weeks in advance.

Presentation Options
  • Meet the Do Good Institute: A brief, 10-minute presentation to introduce and expose students to the University of Maryland's Do Good Institute. This presentation highlights student programs and opportunities, including internships, fellowships, funding and more. 
Workshop Options  
All workshops are 45 minutes. It may be possible to extend workshop length depending on your needs and interests. We strive to make all of our workshops engaging and interactive - we utilize self-reflection, pair-shares, all-group discussions, and other activities to enhance participants' learning experience. All workshops also include an abbreviated Meet the Do Good Institute presentation.
  • Terps Take Action: Most often requested/recommended for UNIV and first-year courses. Participants will explore broad strategies for taking action (give, serve, speak, innovate, learn), reflect and discuss how these strategies relate to themselves, and connect with their peers to learn about their classmates’ first-hand interests and experiences. We recommend faculty interested in Terps Take Action or Social Change Wheel choose only one of those sessions based on your participants.
  • Social Change Wheel: Participants will explore specific methods of social change and discuss their strengths, challenges, and applications. These methods include twelve strategies (such as philanthropy, direct service, entrepreneurship, protest, advocacy, and more). This is considered more a more specific, intermediate version of Terps Take Action. We recommend faculty interested in Terps Take Action or Social Change Wheel choose only one of these sessions based on your participants. 
  • Changemakers Roles: Participants will understand and reflect on models and frameworks for understanding themselves as changemakers. Using three different models, participants will consider the areas in their life where they want to enact change, their spheres of influence for doing so, and how to best utilize their strengths and passions as individuals. 
  • Issue Mapping: Participants will identify social issues of public or personal concern using brainstorming and self-reflection. This session can work well for classes where participants need to identify or pick a social issue for investigation for a course assignment or project.  
  • Six Hats: A fast-paced thinking styles workshop that gives participants an opportunity to think about their own thinking style and the thinking styles of others by “trying on” different thinking styles. This session can work well for team building and perspective-taking. 
Custom Consultations 
Are you interested in incorporating social impact, civic engagement, or community action into your course, living-learning program, or other academic opportunity beyond a one-time workshop? Not sure which workshop would be the best fit? We'd love to chat! Just select the "I'm interested in something custom" and we'll reach out to schedule a 1-1 meeting. 

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Email *
Which semester are you requesting this presentation or workshop for? *
Requestor Full Name *
If you are submitting this request on behalf of an instructor, please indicate your name as requestor name. If you are both the requestor and instructor, simply list your full name.
Are you requesting an in-person or virtual session? *
Which workshop or presentation are you interested in requesting? *
If you are interested in more than one workshop, please submit a form for each workshop. (Once you submit this form, you will have the option to submit another response.) We also ask you to submit a response per section if you are interested in requesting a workshop or presentation for more than one section. 
Workshop Length
Optional: If you selected a workshop, our typical length is 45 minutes to accommodate the average class length time. Please let us know if you would like a different workshop length.
Instructor First Name *
Instructor Last Name *
Instructor Email *
Instructor Role *
Please share a little about yourself! We love to use this as an opportunity to consider other potential points of connection with you. Are you primarily an instructor? Do you fulfill other roles in your school or department?
Course Code *
What is the class code of the class you are requesting for? For example: UNIV100, HONR101
Section Number *
What is the section number of the class you are requesting for? If you would like to make a request for multiple sections, please complete this form for each section. After you submit this form, it will give you the option to submit another response.
Number of Students *
How many students are enrolled in the section you are requesting for?
Classroom Building Name and Number *
Please include the full name of the building. For example, Skinner Hall 2103.
Building Access *
Are there any access instructions for your building or classroom, such as if this is within a residence hall that needs swipe access? If virtual, does your course have a regular Zoom link we will need to use?
Class Start Time *
What time does your class start?
Class End Time *
What time does your class end?
Preferred Presentation/Workshop Date *
What is your preferred date for the presentation or workshop you are requesting?
Preferred Start Time for Presentation/Workshop *
What specific time are you requesting this presentation or workshop for? For example, if your class begins at 11am but you would like to do a welcome/reminders, you may want us to start the workshop at 11:10am. Or, you may have an extended class period and would like us to start the workshop at the midway point of your class.
Alternative Date and Time *
If your preferred date and time is not available, are there any other dates and times that would work well?
Class Context and Your Goals
Optional: If helpful, please consider sharing some brief information about your class, your students, and what your motivations or purpose are for requesting this presentation or workshop. 
Have you as an instructor ever hosted a presentation or workshop from the Do Good Institute before? *
Photo Request *
Would you be willing to have a DGI staff member join your class to take photographs during the session? Note: Selecting "Yes" does not automatically mean photos will be taken - it only means you are amenable should we reach out about the possibility of taking photos.
Additional Information
Optional: Is there anything else you'd like to share about your course, program, or request?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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