HITS@ITU Application Form
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Name of company/applicant: *
If project and company have separate websites, please provide both
Contact person's name: *
Contact person’s e-mail address: *
Contact person’s cell phone number: *
Short name of product/service/prototype *
Brief description of product/service/prototype: *
max. 300 characters:
What need is addressed/what problem is solved by the product? *
Do you have users aready? And paying customers? Who and how many? *
How do you plan to exhibit the product/prototype? What would visitors see and interact with at your exhibit space? *
If the product/prototype has already received some form of recognition (awards, prizes, coverage in top-tier media, etc.), please provide relevant URLs and/or short description.
How have you learned about this Call?
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Please specify media outlet/professional community/organization/other:
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Call, and if selected, I will accept the organizers' invitation to exhibit at HITS@ITU *
Please sign with initials
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