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Tech Founder Sign-Up Form
Venture Miami Start-Up Mornings is designed as a small group Q&A for Miami-based tech founders to ask tech investors questions that will help them continue to grow and thrive. Each group will be curated to ensure that there is no competitive overlap. The conversation will be led by Mayor Suarez's Venture Capitalist in Residence, Melissa Krinzman, for Venture Miami. Melissa is the Managing Partner for Krillion Ventures and she will be joined by an additional Miami-based venture capitalist.

We will review all applications and selected founders will be invited for a conversation and breakfast at Miami City Hall.

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Founder's name: *
Company name: *
Company website:
Email address: *
Phone number:
Please provide your city & state: *
What is the question you would most like to discuss with an investor at a Venture Miami Start-Up Morning? *
Explain your business in one sentence. *
How much capital have you raised to date? *
How have you funded your business to date?
When is your next raise, and what round will it be? *
How many full-time and/or part-time employees do you have? (please specify full-time vs. part-time) *
When did you start your company (month/year)? *
Please provide your social media handle(s) and specify Twitter and/or Instagram. *
How did you hear about Miami Start-Up Mornings ?
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