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Puffer UniFi dApp Onboarding Application

Welcome to the Puffer UniFi ecosystem. Puffer UniFi is a Based Rollup designed to unify Ethereum's fragmented ecosystem by facilitating efficient transaction sequencing and integrating native restaking features for enhanced user experience and scalability. 

We aim to catalyze a cohesive based app-chain ecosystem, fostering a positive-sum environment where dApps and liquidity are seamlessly unified across Ethereum.

To integrate your dApp and collaborate on our based rollup, please complete the form below. This application will help us understand your project and how it can benefit from and contribute to the Puffer UniFi ecosystem.

To learn more about Puffer UniFi, check out here:

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Email *

Protocol Name


Contact Person Name


Preferred Contact Method (Telegram Handle, Email, etc)


Protocol Category

Protocol Website

Protocol Twitter Handle


Brief Description of Your Protocol


What is the main use case of your protocol?


Link to Existing Smart Contract (if any)

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