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Setup for Google tag in first-party mode
If you have any questions or run into any issues with your setup, please don't hesitate to contact us at 1p-mode-beta-feedback@googlegroup.com.
Rate your experience with setting up your Google tag in first-party mode *
Tell us more: What made the setup easy or difficult?
Which CDN did you use to configure first party mode? *
Did you see a change in views/clicks/conversions on your website after setting up first-party mode? *
You can observe the change in your metrics before/after first-party mode setup on your Google Analytics or any other measurement source you've set up for your website. 
Anything else you'd like to tell us?
Wyczyść formularz
Nigdy nie podawaj w Formularzach Google swoich haseł.
Ten formularz został utworzony w domenie Google.com. Prywatność i warunki