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1:1 Coaching Application
Fill out this coaching form so I can learn more about you and your passion-pursuit goals!
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Full Name *
Email *
Phone number
What are your passions or interests that you are considering monetizing? *
What are your primary goals or objectives in seeking coaching on monetizing your passions?
What are the biggest challenges or obstacles you currently face in monetizing your passions?
Do you have a registered business? If yes, add name below. If no, add social media handles. *
Have you attempted to monetize your passions before? If so, what were the results or experiences?
What are the biggest challenges or obstacles you currently face in monetizing your passions?
What support or resources do you feel you need to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals?
Are you willing to invest time, effort, and resources into pursuing your passion and monetizing it?
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your passions, or your goals for monetization?
Do you have any questions or concerns about the coaching process or what to expect?
How did you hear about me? *
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