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Rent Assistance Program
The purpose of the Friedman Place Rent Assistance Program is to financially support people who are legally blind and have low incomes so that they may remain and succeed in the community in their own apartment. Subsidizes are no greater than $300 per month and once accepted to the program, the individual may continue receiving subsidies for as long as they remain eligible (e.g., income, blindness, active lease, etc.).
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Today's Date *
Name *
Street address  *
City (in Illinois) *
Zip code *
Email Address
Phone Number
Date of Birth *
Do you currently live in Illinois? *
Are you blind?   *
Do you currently rent an apartment, house, or room (as opposed to a subsidized housing, long-term care, or other residential program)? *
What type of residence are you living in? *
If you chose "Other Type of Residence", please describe  
Are you receiving any type of rent or housing subsidies such as a Housing Voucher (Section 8), etc. or are you living in any type of housing or residential program? *
Do you have a valid lease?   *
If you said "Not sure", please describe
Have you been served with an eviction notice for your current apartment? *
Have you been leasing your place for at least three months, or have been leasing elsewhere for three months and will soon be moving? *

Is your annual income at or below 200% of the poverty level (depending in how many are in your household)? 2024 = $30,120 for a one-person household; $40,880 for a two-person household; $51,640 for a three-person household; $62,400 for a four-person household.

How many people live in your household? 
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Approximately how long have you been legally or totally blind (for statistical purposes only) *
Race / Ethnicity (all that apply), for statistical purposes only *
What are the sources of your income? *
If you chose "other", please describe
Do you understand that you will need to provide documents like a lease, tax returns, pay statements, award letters, bank statements, etc. *
Do you agree to notify Friedman Place if your income or housing conditions change, and will provide whatever documentation Friedman Place requests in order to confirm the changes? *
Do you agree that all the information that you have and will provide to Friedman Place is true and correct? *
Do you understand that the subsidy checks will be written only to the landlord as identified on the Lease, although they can be mailed to you so you can submit it to the Landlord along with your own check at the same time if you would like? *
How did you hear about the Rent Assistance Program? 
Who referred you to the Rent Assistance Program, if anyone?
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