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2020-2021 USSMA Annual Athlete Survey
106 responses
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Were you a 2020-2021 USSMA license holder?
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If "No" or "Not Sure", have you ever been a USSMA license holder?
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Do you plan on registering for a 2021-2022 USSMA license?
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Please help us understand your 2021/2022 registration selection by briefly providing any context below.
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If you are planning to rejoin or are not sure yet, what USSMA license benefits would you like to see offered? (check your favorite two)
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On a scale of 1 to 10, are merchandise discounts at retail partners important in your decision to register for a USSMA license?
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Ski Mountaineering Racing
Please list a few of your favorite skimo races?
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What was AWESOME about those experiences?
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What could have been better?
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What does your 2021-2022 race season look like?
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Do you participate in USSMA-sanctioned races ONLY or do you participate in non-sanctioned races as well?
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Would you travel further than your home resort(s) to participate in high-level races like a World Cup, National Championship or North-American Championships?
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If you are aware that an upcoming race is sanctioned by the USSMA, are you:
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How important is having an official USSMA-course referee present at USSMA sanctioned races?
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While every race is different, what universal standards and/or overarching changes would you like to see implemented across USSMA-sanctioned races?
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What type of information/media/stories do you most want to receive from the USSMA?
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Would you like to receive information from the USSMA about non-USSMA sanctioned skimo races, events and news?
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Would you like to receive information from the USSMA about resort uphill policies and non-racing/training related news?
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Please list a few topics you would you like the USSMA medical committee to cover in a Tuesday Tips, podcast or dedicated presentation?
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Open Comments
Please share any thoughts about how the USSMA can better support/improve the sport of skimo in the US.
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Please share any thoughts about how the USSMA can better serve its license holders.
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We would love your thoughts about how you, as an athlete, could help race directors raise the level of competitive skimo racing?
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Please provide any additional comments you would like to share with the USSMA.
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