Evaluating Your Listening Goals (2)
On this assignment, you'll try your best to honestly evaluate your progress on the listening goal you assigned yourself last time. You'll either continue working on your first goal, or add a new one. Remember, listening skills are habits that can take a long time to develop and use consistently. Great listeners become that way through time, effort, and practice.
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What is your name? *
What is the date and time? *
Which listening trait did you decide to focus on for improvement last time?
(Choose the one trait you focused most on during the last week.)
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How much do you think you improved this trait? *
Mostly Forgot: No Genuine Change
Consistent Focus: Strong Improvement
If you marked 8 or more on the scale above for improvement, what impact from your improved listening skills have you noticed so far?
(Mark any or all that apply, only if you scored your improvement 8 or higher.)
Since last time, how often did you get defensive and shut out messages when people tried to speak to you? *
Since last time, how often have you looked at screens when people tried to speak to you? *
How often have you interrupted people while they were still speaking? *
How often did you face toward people who tried to speak to you? *
How often did you ask questions after speakers finished, to ensure you understood them accurately? *
How often did you try to focus on the speaker instead of your own thoughts or feelings? *
Do you feel like you made enough progress on your focused listening skill to choose another, or is it best to keep working on that skill? *
Which listening trait(s) have you decided to focus on most for improvement next? *
(Choose the one or two traits you feel you should improve most.)
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