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Light Cellar Job Application
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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
What is your availability? *
Please indicate any days or hours you would not be available to work *
Are you currently employed? If so, where? *
What is it about the Light Cellar which has inspired you to apply for work with us? *
What Light Cellar classes, events, workshops have you attended? *
Do you have any supervisor or management experience? *
If you answered yes above, please describe your experience
What is your wage expectation *
Do you have any experience working in a commercial kitchen? *
If you answered yes above, please describe your experience
Describe your personal journey with food and where you are presently at in terms of your food habits and tastes (i.e. whole foods, vegetarian, vegan, raw, gluten-free, omnivore, paleo...) *
What is your favourite superfood, and why? *
What is your favourite super herb, and why? *
List your favourite ways to integrate superfoods and herbs? Then, choose one of your favourites and outline your 'recipe' (for example, list what you put in your daily smoothie or elixir) *
How do you feel food plays a role in the individual and collective consciousness? *
What is your personal mission in life? *
How does working at the Light Cellar play into your vision of the perfect life you are creating for yourself? (short-term and long-term) *
Check the statement that best describes your current work interest with TLC. Or, write your own statement to best describe what is true for you in the box below. *
What can you, in the unique expression of yourself, offer to the Light Cellar and its community? *
Describe any training and abilities you possess that would be of benefit in your work or career with the Light Cellar *
Comments, questions:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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