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Volunteer Sign-Up Form (2024 Asian American Exit Poll and Poll Monitoring Program)
During the 2024 General Election, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) will conduct a nonpartisan, multilingual exit poll of Asian American voters to identify important issues for the Asian American community. AALDEF will also dispatch lawyers and law students to monitor poll sites for legal compliance with federal and state law and to document any other voters issues. Since 1988, AALDEF has conducted exit polls of Asian American voters and monitored polls in every major election to provide election protection.

This year, we will be exit polling:
  • During Early Voting in late October and early November (specific dates TBA), and
  • On Election Day (Tuesday, November 5)
And we are seeking volunteers interested in on-the-ground exit polling and poll monitoring in the following states: Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia

We are also looking for volunteers who can phone bank and make calls to poll Asian voters nationwide.

Important things to note:
  • If you have not volunteered with us before or have not done so in the last 2 years, you must attend a training. If you have volunteered with us within the last 2 years, the training is optional. Training information will be sent in the coming weeks.
  • For those who recently passed the bar exam in New York state: this training, combined with volunteering for the Exit Poll or poll monitoring qualifies for the 50-hour NY State Bar Pro Bono requirement.
  • You will receive your exit poll or poll monitoring assignment on the LAST week of October.

For FAQs about this project, visit:

For further inquiries and changes you want to make on this form, please contact:

Thank you, 
AALDEF Voting Rights Team

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