CCS Singles' Formal
Time: 19:00 (please be there on time)
Date: 11 Nov. 2013
Venue: St. John's College Formal Hall
The deadline for application is this Friday 8th Nov. 2013
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First Name: *
e.g. Lingzhi
Last Name: *
e.g. Cai
Gender: *
(we don't have any tickets left for girls now. Any female applicants will be on the waiting list automatically from now, so girls don't pay your money until you received our booking confirmation letter)
Hermes: *
e.g. sl644
College: *
e.g. Fitz
Year Matriculated: *
e.g. 2012
Subject: *
e.g. Chem Eng
Contact Number: *
e.g. 07402775377
Are you a Member or Non-member? *
Payment Method: *
If you choose to pay to a committee member please specify the name:
e.g. Lingzhi Cai
(Optional) Who do you want to be your date?
You can list few people here e.g. Lingzhi Cai (We can't guarantee that the people you filled in will definitely attend, but we will try our best and allocate you with one of the people you listed below.)
Do have any preferences about your date?
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