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New Customer Survey
Not sure where to start or would you just like some custom recommendations? Complete this survey and we will build a custom flavor profile just for you.

Your answers also help us create custom blends and know what samples to include with your order that you may be better suited for.  

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Are you interested in being included on our email list? We generally only send emails for sales or to announce new items. You can also opt out at any time. *
Tell us a few of your favorite things! What flavors your life? (Exercise, wine, books, knitting, travel... etc.) *
What do you normally drink now? (Black coffee, type of wine, soft drink, sport drink brand / flavor) *
Do you have any preferred flavors? *
Are there any flavors you avoid? *
Do you have any allergies, or food sensitivities? *
Do you suffer from any medical conditions? If so, please list them. Many times we have something that can help with symptoms. *
Are you already familiar with loose leaf tea and herbal drinks? *
Caffeine or nah? *
Do you prefer hot or cold drinks? *
Let's talk about sweeteners... *
How did you hear about us? *
What's your mailing address zip code?  (Not required but we can notify you if we have shows or samplings in your area.)
Enter your mobile number if you would like to get exclusive text offers.  (Not required, and you can opt out at any time. Mobile messaging rates may apply)
Notes section: Add anything you like here. Do you have any questions for us? (Will we need your mailing address?)
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