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UPES iPads App Request Form
Requested apps for both student and teacher iPads.
1. Please review and request apps as a team.
2. Please refer to for more information on FERPA.
3. Please check the app website, or email the company to see if they are FERPA compliant.
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Name of the Application *
Why do you want this tool? What new best practice will it provide for students?
Have you shared the app with your team and all agreed that the app is necessary? *
Is it for student iPads or for purchase for your teacher iPad? *
Is it FERPA compliant? The app has agreed to FERPA and will not sell or distribute student information in any way. Please confirm or explain how you know. *
What is the cost of the app?
How many students will need the app?
How soon will you need this app? Please allow 1 week from approval to installation. *
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