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1) (he / French) . *
 2) (we / not / cold) *
3) (he / a footballer)? *
4) (where / John)? *
5) (we / German) *
6) (he / not / a journalist) *
7) (we / not / singers) *
8) (you / a nurse)? *
9) (they / from Libya) *
10) (where / David)? *
11) (how / your mother)? *
12) (we / thirsty) *
13) (how long / the film)? *
14) (how often / you in London)? *
15) (he / handsome) *
16) (I / not / English) *
17) (you / not / a doctor) *
 18) (she / not / Italian) *
19) (he / my brother) *
 20) (you / not / Egyptian) *
What's your name? *
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