Appendix C Laptop Pre  Activity Evaluation Surveys
Please read each of the following items carefully, thinking about how it relates to your life, and then
indicate how true it is for you. Use the following scale to respond:
Rating Scale:
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Undecided
4 = Agree
5= Strongly Agree
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I enjoy learning with a laptop. *
I do like receiving instruction through a laptop. *
I will be able to get a good job if I learn how to use technology. *
Using a laptop is very frustrating. *
I concentrate better in class when a laptop is used to deliver instruction. *
I would work harder if I used a laptop more often.
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I do not get a sinking feeling when I think of trying to use a laptop *
I know that using technology gives me opportunities to learn many new things. *
I can learn many things when I use a laptop. *
I enjoy lessons on the laptop. *
I believe that the more often I use a laptop, the more I will enjoy school. *
I cannot learn more from books that the laptop *
I believe that it is important for me to learn how to use a laptop. *
I feel comfortable using a laptop. *
I enjoy using the laptop. *
Laptops are difficult to use. *
I do think that it takes a longer amount of time to learn when I use a laptop. *
Using a laptop does not scare me at all. *
Using a laptop does make me nervous. *
I do not like receiving instruction through a laptop. *
Using a laptop is not very frustrating. *
I will do as little work with technology as possible. *
Laptops are not difficult to use. *
I can learn more from books that the laptop *
I do not think that it takes a longer amount of time to learn when I use a laptop *
Using a laptop does not make makes me nervous *
I will not do as little work with technology as possible. *
I do not get a sinking feeling when I think of trying to use a laptop. *
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