Kiwiburn 2015 Art Grant Application
Welcome to the art grant application form for Kiwiburn 2015.

Please answer the following questions, providing as much detail as possible. The Arts Grants Committee will contact you for any additional information we require.

It's a good idea to copy and paste your answers to the following questions from a word document into this form so that you have your own copy of your responses.

The criteria used to access applications are detailed here:

Good luck!
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1. What is the title of your project? *
This is the name that will be used on any Kiwiburn Programmes or other material
2. What is your name or the name of the primary contact person for this project? *
This is the person who will receive the funding and the communications about this application
3. Please provide an email address where any questions about your project can be directed. *
So we can contact you!
4. Please provide a physical/mailing address for this project's primary contact person. *
We need to know where to send relevant forms or cheques, and how to contact you.
5. Please provide a phone number for this project's primary contact person. *
Again, so we can contact you :)
6. Total project budget
The entire amount the project is going to cost. Further information will be required in Question 16
7. Grant request *
The total amount you are requesting a grant for. NOTE: If the AGC grants funding for your project, it is not guaranteed that you will receive this amount. This figure is sometimes adjusted by the AGC based on available funds and the eligibility of items in your budget. Further information will be required in Question 16
8. Describe your project. *
Aim for at least 200 words to give us a clear understanding of your project. What will it look like, what will it do, how much space will it take up, etc, etc
9. What does this project mean to you? *
This can be as metaphysical or literal as you wish eg is it symbolic. aesthetic, fun to play with etc.
10. Do you have any experience working on art/building at a burn or in a similar situation (time constraints, challenging environment etc)? This does not need to have been at a festival, just list any experiences you feel are relevant. *
Aim for at least 200 words to give us a clear understanding of your experience. This helps us estimate whether or not we think the project is viable.
11. Kiwiburn is about participation not spectatorship, how does your project encourage participation from other participants? *
The more interactive the better! We love stuff we can participate in!
12. Are there any aspects of your project that may not be as effective as you hope and what will you do if this situation arises? *
Aim for at least 100 words to give us a clear understanding of any potential limitations
13. What is your Leave No Trace plan? *
How do you aim to remove all traces of your project after the festival?
14. How does your project relate to this years theme, Wyrd? *
15. Who and/or how many people will be working on your project? *
We need a rough estimate of how many people are going to be helping you with your project to determine viability. It is also useful for us to know who is going to be working on a project so that we can ensure they are going to be able to complete all of the projects they're involved in. It is disheartening for applicants to have ambitions about a project and not be able to deliver because they are spread too thin. If you're getting help from someone on the AGC, they are unable to vote on your project.
16. Are there any potential safety risks with your project? What will you do to minimise these risks? *
You will be asked to provide a full Health & Safety plan before your project is approved. We need to ensure our participants, including you, will be safe.
17. Please provide a detailed list of the materials and costs that your grant request will cover, including where you will you will source all items and how they will be transported to the site. *
The total amount for the costs should be equal to the Total Project Budget stated in Question 6.
18. Please provide a time-line for building/setting up your project. *
This is to help us determine viability of your project.
19. If you have any pictures, plans or diagrams you would like to include with your application please upload then to a image hosting website (eg and paste links below
20. Do you have any ideas about ways of expanding your project if you had more funding/time? *
This will help the Arts Grant Committee identify ways to support art at Kiwiburn and facilitate more great projects in the future.
21. If your application is for the Community Arts Grant please include information on how you intend the community to participate in your project onsite during the festival, and how you intend to encourage this.
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