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Name (how you prefer to be addressed):
Best way to contact you?
List Your Contact Info: *
How did you hear about me? *
How much exposure have you had to Law of Attraction (LOA)?
When/what time/s of the day do you feel the most energized and have the greatest ability to focus? Ex: Saturday 9AM-12PM
Which option below is most conducive to feeding a fabulous focus for you:
What things inspire happiness for you and what hobbies/passions/interests enhance your life?
What areas of your life already feel successful and positive for you? (Great family experiences, friendships, skills, abilities & talents, awesome adventures & travel experiences, great interactions with animals, etc. all count!)
Why do you feel coaching will benefit you right now & what results would you like to experience?
Are you willing to learn new things and approach this experience with an attitude of openness and willingness? 
Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this form as this will help me know what matters most to you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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