Art Workshop for LGBT+ Carers

Are you an LGBT person who takes on an unpaid caring role?  This could be shopping and cooking for a partner because they are unwell.  It might be providing practical assistance to a disabled child or parent, or giving emotional support to a friend in recovery from addiction.  If you identify as a carer or as someone with regular caring responsibilities, you’re invited to join us for a day of art making.  The workshop is time for you, time to meet others in similar situations, time to acknowledge the challenges and triumphs of how an unpaid caring role impacts on your life. There is also an opportunity to exhibit any work from the workshop, or relevant to the theme at our 'Living With...' Art Exhibition the following month.

Time: Saturday 11am-5.30pm, 17th January (Doors open at 10.45am)

Venue: Serenity Café, The Tun, 8 Jacksons Entry, Edinburgh EH8 8PJ (wheelchair accessible)  

If you can only attend part of the day due to caring commitments it is also possible to take part for just some of it.
Contact or 0131 652 3283 for more information or any other accessibility requests.

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Please let us know if there is anything important you think we should know about you prior to the start of the workshop, or anything we can do to make the workshop more accessible for you.
This is an opportunity to let the organisers know anything important about you prior to the start of the workshop, this information will be kept confidential and is primarily used to make the workshop a more accessible and safe experience for you, where possible.
Finally, please let us know what you are hoping to gain from attending the workshop. *
This information is really helpful to us in planning the workshop.
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