English Paper II - J3013 Aneri Hirva Prakruti
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1 In Pinter's Birthday Party, Stanley is given a birthday present . What is it? *
2 How does Lord Jim end? *
3 " Where I lacked a political purpose, I wrote lifeless books. " To which of the following authors can we attribute the above admission? *
4 Modernism has been described as being concerned with " disenchantment of our culture with culture itself". Who is the critic? *
5. " Only that film, which fluttered on the grate, Still flutters there, the sole unquiet thing." The above lines are quoted from *
Which one of the following modern poems employs ottava rima? *
John Dryden in his heroic tragedy " All for Love takes the story of Shakespeare's *
Arrange the following works in the order in which they appear. Identify the correct code: (I) No Longer at Ease (II) Things Fall apart (III) Antony and Cleopatra (IV) Measure for Measure *
Samuel Pepys kept his diary from *
In the Defence of Poetry, what did Sydney attribute of poetry? *
An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot presents portraits of the following contemporary individuals: *
Which of this plays by Shakespeare does not use " cross-dressing" as a device? *
Which of the following works cannot be categorized under post-colonial theory? *
" Power circulates in all directions, to and from all social levels, at all times. " Who said this? *
Which one of the following is not written by an Australian Aboriginal writer? *
Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey jointly brought out Tottel's Misellany during the renaissance. *
Identify the name of the Earl of Surrey from the following:
The dramatic structure of Restoration comedies combines in it the features of *
1. The Elezabethan theatre , 2. The Neoclassical Theatre of Italy and France, 3. The Irish Theatre , 4.The Greek Theatre
Which American poet wrote: " I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world'' ? *
The etymological meaning of the word " trope" is *
Who among the following English poets defined poetic imagination as " a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of craetion in the infinite 'I AM' "? *
Little Nell is a character in Dickens' *
In the late seventeenth century a " Battle of Books" erupted between which two groups? *
" Everything that man esteems Endures a moment or a day Love's pleasure drives his love away......" *
In the above quote the last line is an example of
In which of Hardy's novels does the character Able Whittle appear ? *
The phrase " dark satanic mills" has become the most famous description of the force at the center of the industrial revolution. The phrase was used by *
"Five miles meandering with a mazy motion Through woods and dale the scared river ran." Where does this 'scared river' directly run to? *
Who is the twentieth century poet, a winner of the Noble Prize for literature who rejected the label "British" though he has always written in English rather than his regional language? *
Which of the following statements best describes Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici? *
Which of the following characters from Eliot's Waste Land is not correctly mentioned? *
Which one of the following best describes the general feeling expressed in literature during the last decade of the Victorian era? *
Which poem by Shelly bears the alternative title, "The Spirit of Solitude"? *
Which tale in The Canterbury Tales uses the tradition of the Beast Fable? *
At the end of Sons and Lovers Paul Morel *
When you say "I love her eyes her hair, her nose, her cheeks, her lips" you are using a rhetorical device of *
With Bacon the essay form is *
Evelyn Waugh's Trilogy published together as Sword of Honour  is about   *
Who coined the phrase "The Two Nation" to describe the disparity in Britain between the rich and the poor? *
When Chaucer describes the Friar as a "noble pillar of order", he is using *
John Osborne's Look Back in Anger is an example of *
Which character in Jane Eyre uses religion to justify cruelty? *
which Romantic poet defined a slave as 'a person perverted into a thing'? *
John Suckling belongs to the group of *
Sir Thomas More creates the character of a Traveller into whose mouth the account of Utopia is put. His name is is *
Arrange the following works in the order in which they appear. Identify the correct code: *
I. No longer at Ease, II. Things fall apart, III. A Man of the People, IV. Arrow of God. The correct combination according to the code is:
Match the following authors with their work:
List – A                                                           List –B
(Authors)                                                      (Works)
I.Alice Walker                                        1. Invisible Man
II.Ralph Ellison                                      2. The color Purple
III. Richard Wright                               .  3. Their Eye Were Watching
IV.Zora Neale Hurston                           4. Native Son

Which is the correct combination according to the code:
Clear selection
Match the following lists:
List-I                                                          List-I
(Novelist)                                                (Novel)
I.Margaret  Laurence                         1. Surfacing
II. Margaret  Atwood                         2. The Stone Angel
III. Sinclair Ross                               3. Medicine River
Iv. Thomas King                               4. As for Me and Me and My  House    

Which is the correct combination according to the code:
The dramatist structure of Restoration comedies combines in it the features of
I. The Elizabethan Theatre
II. The Neoclassical Theatre of Italy and France
III. The Irish Theatre
IV. The Greek Theatre
The correct combination according to the code is
Match the following
List-A                                                  List-B
I. Formalism                                       1. John Crow Ransom
II. New critics                                      2. The Jungians
III.Psychological Theory                       3.  Victor Shklovsky
   of the value of Literature
IV. Literature art as                              4.I.A.Richards
     archetypal image
The correct combination according to the code is:
Clear selection
Match the author with the work
 List-1                                                 List-2
(Authors)                                            (Works)
I. Kingsely Amis                                  1 Saturday and Sunday morning
II  Allan Silletoe                                    2 The Golden Note Book
III Doris Lessing                                    3 The Left Bank                                  
IV Jean Rhys                                        4 Lucky Jim
Which is the correct combination according to the code:
The following are two lists of plays and characters. Match them.
List-I                                                       List-II
(plays)                                                    (Characters)
I. Women Beware Women                        1. Maievole
II. The Malcontent                                     2. Beatrice
III. The City Madam                                   3. Bianca
IV. The Changeling                                    4. Doll Tearsheet
Which is the correct combination according to the code:
Milton introduces Satan and the fallen angles in the Book I of Paradise lost. Two of the chief devils reappear in Book II. They are
I. Moloch
II. Clemos
III. Belial
IV. Thamuz
The correct combination according to the code is
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